Fire Testing
Circuit (insulation) Integrity in accordance with BS 8434-1:2003 & BS 8434-2:2003 + A2:2009
BS 8434- Methods of test for assessment of the fire integrity of electric cables Part1: Test forunprotected small cables for use in emergency circuits - BS EN 50200 with the addition of water
spray. Part 2: Test for unprotected small cables for use in emergency circuits- BS EN 50200 with a
930°C flame and with water spray.
BS 8434-1:2003 defines test which is equivalent to BS EN 50200 with a 830°C flame and water
spray. The cable is stressed by the flame at 830°C with mechanical shocks for 15 minutes and
further 15 minutes with the addition of water spray. BS 8434-2:2003 defines test which is equivalent
to BS EN 50200 with a 930°C flame and water spray. The cable is stressed by the flame at 930°C
with mechanical shocks for 60 minutes and further 60 minutes with the addition of water spray. The
tests for BS 8434-2 have not been covered in the BS EN 50200 standard yet and are still in force.